How will you benefit as a professional by becoming a member of the NCA?
Being a member of the NCA gives you the right to the following:
- The right to vote at general meetings;
- The right to participate in the proceedings and the debates at general meetings;
- The right to be elected as a member of the Executive Committee;
- The right to participate in and the right to enjoy the benefits and general activities of the association.
General activities of the NCA include:
- Organizing Congresses, Seminars, Workshops and other CPD activities
- Holding discussions and gatherings
- Promoting the services of chiropractic via newspaper and journal articles, radio interviews, television shows, presentations and talks to the public enlarge and schools in particular.
- Participating in global events like World Spine Day to educate the public on spinal health and advocating exercise programmes like Straighten-Up Namibia.
- Establishing strong inter-professional, as well as intra-professional relationships.
- Initiating open communication with other healthcare professionals.
- Striving to strengthen the profession with constant communication between role players such as the Health Professions Council of Namibia, Namaf, medical aids and any other controlling body or institution.